

Available for: Android, iOS,

  • Price: Free
  • Category: Shopping
  • Version: ALL
  • Rating: 4.5


An all-inclusive drop shipping service is offered by CJDropshipping, a Chinese business. CJDropshipping manages everything from product sourcing to order processing to shipping fulfillment.

Along with that, they provide a warehousing service, picture and video services, an affiliate program, API Support, and other extra services. Because of this, CJDropshipping is comparable to a combination of Oberlo and AliExpress, with a few more procedures.

The no cost strategy employed by CJDropshipping is one of its main selling factors. No setup, minimum order, recurring subscription, or storage fees apply. Additionally, there is no cost per sold item.


The basic idea behind CJDropshipping is simple: You sell, and CJDropshipping sources and ships your orders for you.

In five steps below, their process looks pretty simple:

  1.       For you, they do product sourcing. You may make requests for specific products on CJ, and they will search for the best match among available suppliers. Therefore, even if the product you’re looking for isn’t yet listed in CJ’s product catalog, you can ask to have it added.
  2.       You don’t need to stock any things yourself since they do it for you. The items you intend to sell are kept in CJ’s global warehouses. Dropshippers can buy the stock in advance from overseas, drastically cutting the shipment time, and the stock is completely free.
  3.       They check for quality. Before being sent out, each item is put through a quality check.
  4.       Fulfillment of orders. To automatically manage your inventory, CJDropshipping offers an app that interfaces with a number of eCommerce platforms.
  5.       Shipping. And lastly, CJ delivers your customer’s order right to your front door. If you choose CJ package, which is their version of ePacket, delivery may happen as soon as four days after you place your purchase. CJ provides same-day order processing time.

With just a few clicks, you can quickly add items to your shop and manage all five phases using their mobile dropshipping app.


“Although the CJ company is the best for beginning a business, I wish this app included currency options like the desktop version of the CJ dropshipping website. Please provide currency selection choices if you can so that users may add items with more simplicity and for the products to change currencies on the user’s website. Thanks.” – 1 SILNANG I SANGMA

“Previously, when seeing product images, I would encounter the most frustrating situations since the back button would completely exit the app each time I swiped away from an item or clicked the “x.”. I’m glad to say that the Developers replied and fixed the problem so promptly after I gave them a bad rating. Bravo! 👏🏻 Rating raised—for the time being.” – G33K5G
