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What is Goodreads?

Launched in January 2007 and bought by Amazon in 2013, Goodreads is a review website with a focus on books.

It is a website for book suggestions and readers with the aim of assisting users in discovering and sharing their favorite books. You may find new books to read by doing a search for certain authors or book titles, receiving curated suggestions from Goodreads based on the books you’ve read and rated, or browsing lists of recently released books or user-approved lists of particular themes.

You may manage your reading list on Goodreads by keeping track of the books you’ve finished, are currently reading, and plan to read. You may also leave reviews, follow friends and authors, and comment on other people’s reviews to see what they are reading.

How does Goodreads work?

As soon as you create a Goodreads account, you’ll be asked to review the books you’ve previously read and add them to your bookshelf so that Goodreads can make curated suggestions for what to read next.

To add a book to your “read,” “now reading,” or “to-read” bookshelf, type the title of the book into the search field at the top of the page to access its specific page. Click the arrow to reveal a drop-down menu beneath the cover picture, then choose which bookshelf you want to add the book to.

By selecting “My Books” from the menu at the top of the screen, you may access your book shelves. You may leave a review, modify your star rating, and even include the date that you read the item here.

On Goodreads, every book has a specific page with information on the author, a summary, and reviews from other users. The page also displays the overall rating that readers have given the book. You may post your review here and ask a question, as well as like or comment on existing reviews.

If you’re searching for books to read, you may click “Choices” on the home page to obtain tailored recommendations from Goodreads based on books you’ve already read and rated.

There is a list of like novels under the “readers also loved” section on book pages. Additionally, you may browse user-approved lists and do a genre search in the Browse tab. You can also view a list of recent releases and new releases.

The community tab on Goodreads offers users the opportunity to join groups of like-minded people or participate in book discussions if they want to become more active in the community.
