Google Wallet

Google Wallet

Available for: Android,

  • Price: Free
  • Category: Finance
  • Version: ALL
  • Rating: 4.5


Users may make payments and send money directly from their phones using the virtual wallet function of Google Wallet, a mobile payment system. Users may keep their credit, debit, gift, and loyalty card information for free using this service. Google Wallet offers customers another quick method of paying at online retailers who accept it, and it is accessible to anybody with a more recent Android or Apple smartphone.


The term “server-side wallet” refers to Google Wallet, which indicates that all user data is kept on Google’s system rather than on the user’s device. The current payment processor used by the business and Google’s servers conduct transactions.

It functions something like a gift card: users load a certain amount of cash into the wallet, which they can then use anyway they choose. The transaction is identical to any other debit or credit in terms of what the user’s bank sees, with the exception that it only goes via Google and not the merchant’s point of sale. Transactions function just like any other acceptable payment method, assuming the merchant’s point of sale is set up to accept Google Wallet.

Google Wallet includes a real card as well, which may be used anywhere that takes debit MasterCard, even if support for the mobile app is currently shaky.

Assuming the program’s provider has submitted its API to Google Pay, you can add your membership or loyalty cards. Then you’ll tap your watch or phone to pay for products immediately and apply discounts or balances.

Additionally, you can save your flight cards and event tickets in Google Wallet, making it as easy as opening them up on your phone and touching them to enter a stadium or airline.

In the event that you reside in a region with public transportation, Google Wallet also supports transit cards. Additionally, parking passes appear here; during Google I/O, an example of a Walt Disney World parking card was provided.

With regard to new features, you may now save COVID-19 vaccine passports by taking a picture of your vaccination card on your Android phone, which will then send the data to Wallet.

Future versions of Google Wallet will also support digital car keys, workplace passes, and hotel room keys, albeit the latter two will require compatible vehicles.

The main obstacle for Google will be making college IDs and driver’s licenses digital. These will be added to Google Wallet in 2022, however depending on where you are, they might not be available to you.
