LinkedIn – Jobs & Business News

LinkedIn – Jobs & Business News

Available for: Android, iOS,

  • Price: Free
  • Category: Business
  • Version: ALL
  • Rating: 4.5

What Is LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is for anybody and everyone who is interested in taking their professional life more seriously by searching for new possibilities to build their professions and to connect with other professionals. This includes business owners, innovators, small-business owners, and even first-year college students who are seeking for their first job after graduation.

Consider LinkedIn as the high-tech version of attending a conventional networking event, where you meet other professionals in person, engage in brief conversation about your work, and trade business cards. It resembles a big online networking gathering.

On LinkedIn, you connect with individuals by adding them as “connections,” much like how you would add someone as a friend on Facebook. You communicate with other members via private message (or other accessible communication methods) and display all of your professional accomplishments in a well-organized profile.

In terms of design and the variety of features it offers, LinkedIn is comparable to Facebook. In general, if you know how to use Facebook or any other equivalent social network, LinkedIn is pretty comparable. However, these features are more specialized because they are geared toward professionals.


Here are a few of the functions that this business network provides and how they are intended to be utilized by experts.

Home:  The home feed on LinkedIn serves as your news feed once you log in and displays recent updates from the corporate pages and connections you’ve made with other professionals.

Profile: Your profile is shown at the top and includes your name, photo, location, occupation, and more. Below that, you may personalize a number of other areas, such as a brief summary, job experience, education, and other sections, just like you could with a conventional resume or CV.

My Network: A list of all the businessmen you are presently connecting with on LinkedIn may be found here. You may also see a number of additional alternatives to add contacts, look up potential acquaintances, and look up alumni if you move your head over this item in the top menu.

Jobs: Employers submit a variety of job ads on LinkedIn every day, and LinkedIn will propose certain opportunities to you based on your current information, including your optional job preferences and location that you may fill out to obtain more customised job listings.

Interests: You may follow certain hobbies on LinkedIn in addition to your professional relationships. These include of business sites, communities organized by geography or interest, SlideShare for producing slide shows, and Lynda for learning.

Search bar: With the help of LinkedIn’s advanced search engine, you can narrow down your results using a variety of customisable variables. To discover certain experts, businesses, jobs, and more, click “Advanced” next to the search field.

Messages: Sending a private message through LinkedIn to another professional is a great way to strike up a discussion. Additionally, you may include photographs, files, and more.

Notifications: Like other social media platforms, LinkedIn provides a function that notifies you when you’ve received endorsements, invitations to join something, or invitations to look at a post you might be keen on.

Pending Invitations: On LinkedIn, you’ll get an invitation to connect with someone who has sent one, and you’ll need to accept it.
