MeWe Network

MeWe Network

Available for: Android, iOS,

  • Price: Free
  • Category: Social
  • Version: ALL
  • Rating: 4.5


MeWe, a different social networking website, is now seeing a spike in new members as Trump supporters look for new social media sites to utilize instead of Facebook and Twitter. It describes itself as the “next-gen social network” and emphasizes data privacy and offering an ad-free experience in its sales pitch to prospective users.

Sgrouples, the name of the business that owns MeWe and the original name of the platform, is the owner of the service. Internet entrepreneur Mark Weinstein started it. Weinstein referred to himself as “one of the men who developed social media” in a Rolling Stone interview from the previous year. Weinstein was present from the beginning, though that may be giving himself a little too much credit. He developed SuperGroups, a very early social networking website, in 1998. Its investors shut it down in 2001.

MeWe was founded as a consequence of a new internet business initiative Weinstein launched in 2011.


MeWe was not created as a social media platform for conservatives, for starters. It recently merged into one and embraced them. 2019 saw Facebook begin to tighten down on vaccination disinformation, which is when the right-wing upsurge on the site became apparent. The site attracted a variety of conspiracy theories, including anti-vaxxers, perhaps as a result of the strident anti-Facebook rhetoric it promoted.

As a result of pro-Trump fans avoiding Facebook and Twitter in the wake of Trump’s electoral defeat due to their anti-misinformation measures, MeWe is now enjoying growth similar to that of Parler.

Furthermore, MeWe does have users that are liberal, unlike Parler, which is another point to be made. Even less so than with Parler, it’s not only about politics. MeWe groups for dog and cat lovers, Green Party supporters, and fans of the arts and music are just a few examples. However, the site’s most active users appear to be those who want to talk about conservative politics.
