Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams

Available for: Android, iOS,

Microsoft introduced Teams at an match in New York, and launched the provider international on March 14, 2017.It was once created all through an inside hackathon at the organization headquarters, and is presently led by way of Microsoft company vice president Brian MacDonald. Microsoft Teams is a web-based computing device app, developed on pinnacle of the Electron framework from GitHub which combines the Chromium rendering engine and the Node.js JavaScript platform.

On August 29, 2007, Microsoft bought Parlano and its power team chat product, MindAlign. On March 4, 2016, Microsoft had viewed bidding $8 billion for Slack, however Bill Gates used to be in opposition to the purchase, pointing out that the association needed to focus its attention on enhancing Skype for Business. Qi Lu, EVP of Applications and Services, used to be the main push to buy Slack. After the departure of Lu later that year, Microsoft introduced Teams to the public as a direct competitor to Slack on November 2, 2016. 


Easy connection

  • Meet everyone from your family, friends and colleagues in private invitation calendar
  • 1-1 chat or group chat @metion people that you want to notice
  • Created good workspace for people 
  • Video call or calling with high connection
  • Ready to get fun with the emoji or GIF

Track plan and project to get done

  • List down your project also assign, make a calendar for this
  • Sharing files easy with everyone 
  • Cloud storage is on the go
  • Dashboard view to keep you focus
  • Screenshare, whiteboard, or breakout are all in

Painless mind

  • Secured informations and address
  • Store important informations in cloud


“Every day, I become fonder of it. To fully appreciate the capabilities, we recommend that you (and your partners) have at least two monitors. It will, in my opinion, only improve with time. – Whitney.Z”

A fantastic app for connecting from anywhere, at any time. So I learned about Microsoft Teams when my school announced that they would be using it as their primary means of instruction during the pandemic. I had no idea there was an application like this before. (Account for school or work) Everything was extremely apparent when I first started using Teams, and I could readily retrieve documents or links that had been uploaded anywhere. The built-in tools, such as activity, calendar, files, and tasks, helped me manage all of my work and made it simple to remain on top of things. – Javy.C”


