Moovit – Bus & Train Schedules

Moovit – Bus & Train Schedules

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A smartphone application called Moovit combines real-time data from Transport for NSW with ongoing user feedback. It will suggest the quickest route, make stops along the way known, and let you know when your stop is getting close.

  • Customer-provided real-time data allows for more precise arrival time predictions.
  • You may provide real-time reports regarding your travel encounter, including the bus’s cleanliness, seat availability, and other details.
  • More real-time information is disseminated as more individuals use Moovit.


Smart Cards are one of the new features. Moovit, which is owned by Intel, will display travel ideas on the home page depending on your location, the day and time of the week, your recent activities, and things you’ve marked as favorites. For instance, if your house is one of your favorite destinations and you are currently out and about, Moovit will immediately propose the best transit alternatives to get you there. On the other hand, if you have stored your workplace address, the app will propose a transportation route to get there during weekday morning rush hour.

Smart Trips is one of the other three new features. When you first set up the app or through the settings menu on the suggested routes page, you may choose your preferred transportation alternatives. For people who, for example, choose not to utilize the metro, that should be helpful. Google Maps offers the ability to choose transport routes, but only on a trip-by-trip basis. Users of Moovit should save some time by being able to save their favorite forms of transportation.

Smart Returns is the final addition to the feature set. You can choose a return journey to the place from which you last set off swiftly. The return trip may be scheduled with a departure time on the itinerary screen, and when it’s time to go, you’ll get a message with route suggestions.
