WhatsApp Business

WhatsApp Business

Available for: Android, iOS,

  • Price: Free
  • Category: Business
  • Version: ALL
  • Rating: 4.5

The WhatsApp Business App is a separate application designed specifically for businesses to interact with their customers on the popular messaging platform, WhatsApp. It provides businesses with tools and features to manage their WhatsApp presence and communicate effectively with their customers.

It’s important to note that the WhatsApp Business App is separate from the regular WhatsApp Messenger app. While anyone can use the regular app for personal communication, the Business App is tailored specifically for businesses.

By utilizing the WhatsApp Business App, businesses can enhance their customer support, improve communication, and build stronger relationships with their customers through the popular and widely-used WhatsApp platform.

Download WhatsApp Business app

User reviews:

The whatsapp business app is good nd very easy to use, i love the features it came with especially the quick reply options, bt i wish if my away message are only sent if my phone doesn’t have network connection. Everything about this whatsapp business is good nd interesting…… Larry confectionery…
Mohammed Sodiq – ★★★★★
Whatsapp is a good app for communication and business… it would be more better if you add two following features: One is of “schedule messaging”, means i want to text a person tomorrow at so and so time… Second one is “reminder option”, means i received a message or photo etc but i want that whatsapp would remimd me this message at so and so time… Thanks
It’s a nice app, good for my business but I’d appreciate more if you kindly add a translator button in chat screen so it can be easier for me to communicate with my clients who speak different languages from mine. Thank you
Esther Shiro – ★★★★★
This app is excellent for business peoples. But I have few suggestions to add in this app. 1.filter chats needed like unread, only groups etc., 2.speed because sometimes it functions slow 3.increse forward limits 4.backup space
mohammed ali – ★★★★★
It’s so beautiful design and near future endeavours it’s a next Chatmessnger. Pls suggest me for better understanding of why my what’s app usually crashing or not opening.Is there any update required for me get it corrected or at ur end it’s a issues.Its troubleshooting. It would be great help if you can suggest me Via mail id As u know about
Tengli Suryanarayyanaa – ★★★★★

Features of WhatsApp Business App

  • BUSINESS PROFILE: Create a profile for your business to help your customers find valuable information — like your website, location, or contact information.

  • BUSINESS MESSAGING TOOLS: Be more responsive to your customers by using Away messages to indicate that you’re away.

  • LANDLINE/FIXED NUMBER SUPPORT: You can use WhatsApp Business with a landline (or fixed) phone number and your customers can message you on that number. During verification, select the “Call me” option to receive the code over a phone call.

  • RUN BOTH WHATSAPP MESSENGER AND WHATSAPP BUSINESS: You can use both WhatsApp Business and WhatsApp Messenger on the same phone, but each app must have its own unique phone number.

  • WHATSAPP WEB: You can more efficiently respond to your customers right from your computer’s browser.
